喫茶KANO | Cafe KANO
1971年創業。周囲は古い料亭や旅館が立ち並び、高瀬川沿いの木々は毎年変わらぬ四季折々の姿で出迎えてくれます。 本当に京都らしいこの場所でくつろぎのひと時をお過ごし下さい。
ご来店に際して私どもよりお客様へあらかじめのお願いです。 昨今の周辺環境の変化により朝食の時間帯は週末、平日問わずお客様のご来店が集中する状況が継続しております。当店ではサンドウィッチなどご注文を頂戴してから調理を開始します。 そのため店内の混雑状況、ご来店のタイミングによっては通常よりも調理時間を要し、ご注文の提供に30分もしくはそれ以上かかる場合もございます 私ども一同、最大限の努力で日々対応をしておりますがお急ぎのお客様にはご迷惑をおかけすることがございます。 ご来店の際はくれぐれもお時間に余裕を持ってお出かけくだいますよう心よりお願い申しあげます。
Founded in 1971, our cafeteria is nestled alongside the Takase River situated at Kiyamachi Street and targets adult customers. We are located in a neighborhood blessed with rows of old restaurants and hotels. We embrace the change in seasons every year, a constant sight bestowed to us by the trees along the Takase River. Please spend a relaxing time with us at a place that is quintessentially Kyoto.
We unfortunately are unable to serve those with small children and customers visiting in groups due to the need to maintain the atmosphere within our shop. We offer our deepest thanks for your understanding. Please note that our hours on Sunday and national holidays begin at 9am.
This is a request for customers before they visit our coffee shop. Due to recent circumstances, there continues to be a large influx of customers to our coffee shop during breakfast time on both weekdays and the weekend. Please note that at our establishment, we start preparing sandwiches and other items when they are ordered. Depending on how busy we are and when you arrive, preparation can require more time than usual, and it may take 30 minutes or longer to serve your order. While we are all making our utmost efforts to meet the everyday demand, we understand that this may inconvenience customers who are in a rush. We respectfully ask that you allow yourself plenty of time when you visit our coffee shop.
asian modern その | asian modern SONO
With modern Asian-style as the key theme, We sells lifestyle products that our shop selects from Japan and overseas using our unique eye for style.
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